Rescue in Space
- RESCUE IN SPACE - A scratch-tool drawing on a 9 x 12 size black scratchboard sheet. It was done for my art book, "The Best of Stephen Fabian" in 1976.
This drawing was an early effort I made at using scratchboard materials. While scratching away at this drawing I wondered what it felt like to be weightless in space, to see planet Earth floating in the immensity of space. I recalled watching television in 1969, seeing Neil Armstrong walk on the moon and I felt overwhelmed with pride as an American. But things have changed since then, and my pride is waning . . .
Where once we led the world in Space exploration, we have stepped back and allowed other nations to take the lead.
Where once we led the world in industry, most of the products we used to make in America, are now being made in other countries.
Where once we were the richest nation in the world, today we are 18 trillion dollars in debt, and half the people in America now depend on some form of government assistance to survive!
Where once our children were rated among the best educated in the world, they now rank down among the mediocre on the list of nations. We have been raising masses of shamefully ignorant Americans for several generations.
Where once we had the best health-care system in the world, the government has taken control of it, and because bureaucrats are the worst managers in the world, our health care systen is now becoming "un-manageable" for most working middle-class Americans.
Where once we had the freedom of speech and the freedom of religion, those freedoms are now being restricted.
Where once our nation was the only nation on earth capable of holding evil nations and evil organizations in check, we now shirk from the responsibility. And when the good step back, the evil step up . . . Behold the rise of Isis . . .
Last night I had a dream. I saw the Statue of Liberty turn around on her pedestal. She extended her torch up and over the entire nation, and with a frown on her face and frustration in her voice, she shouted, "WHAT THE HELL'S GOING ON HERE?"

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